It's way more fun without the arguing
One thing you want when booking a trip is less worry about any aspect of the vacation. When it comes to documents and what you need visit our Useful Travel Information page. Also, check out our Travel Smart page for information on how to get the right insurance and research options.
Another key ingredient is traveling with some you love!

As Ernest Hemingway once said "never go on trips with anyone you don't love. " Now we know not everyone gets along all of the time but creating great travel memories with someone you love is much more fun.
Finally it is important to choose the right travel agents. Most agencies have the latest or up to date information on the hottest destinations, as well as recommendations for you in regards to safety or letting you know if a particular destination has any travel conditions. A Travel Agent not put you in harm’s way, and are “with you” from the beginning to the end of your trip. Book with Great Escapes Travel and see a more memorable travel experience!